vendredi 6 juin 2014

 Today we were very lucky because thanks to the school cook and one teacher: Korosh, we were invited to see one of the most famous private 50ies and 60ies car collection of the world.
It was amazing to see these restored cars, they looked as if they were just manufactured.
Everything is genuine from the smallest nuts to the painting. Just fabulous, a great moment for us.

an old car waiting to be transformed, it needs one year work to get a brand new car.

A photo dedicated to Fred Verghade

Sunny evening in the sky bar.

Can you see the nice view at the background.


Quentin is waiting for his drink.


The student decorated trailers to be able to parade in the streets of Vasteras after the ceremony.

Hej, Hej!
one student with loads of " grigri" around his neck, holding a photo of him as a child.
Yesterday was the graduation ceremony for third year students at Edstromska vocational school.
The students were all smart, boys were wearing blue and white suits with  nice white caps.
They had their names sewed on their cap. The girls were wearing nice white dresses.
There was a band playing music, the atmosphere was very festive, and the students received their diploma one by one. It's totally different from France, it would be great to have the same ceremony.

Thomas was lucky because he was able to be on a photo with two pretty Swedish girls. They are beautiful and friendly.

Aude was also able to get a photo with a Swedish student.

After that in the afternoon we went to Vasteras and we had free time for our last minute shopping until 6p.m, after that we went to the skybar  whici is stuated at the 24th flour of  a sky scaper. We had a wonderful view of the surroundings, we had a soda.

 Thomas & Aude

mardi 3 juin 2014

Today, the teachers went to the garages and speak with the tutors to know their opinion about the work of the French students.
They generally did good work.
Tomorrow it's the last day of our training period.

Aujourd'hui les professeurs ont fais la tournés des garage pour vérifier que tout allait bien.
Demain, cela sera notre dernier jour de stage.


dimanche 1 juin 2014


Romain, très à l'aise devant tout le câblage électrique qui se cache sous le tableau de bord d'une Toyota...

Photo de groupe chez SCANIA.
Lorris est bien "encadré" par son tuteur et 2 autres collègues.

Samedi matin nous sommes allez visiter le site Viking de Frosaker ou nous avons fait du tir a l'arc , du drakar ou de la forge. Le soir nous sommes allez voir une course de voitures sur la piste de l’aéroport de Vasteras

On Saturday morning we went on the viking siteof  Frosaker where we did archery , and blacksmith work, we also rawed on a real hand made drakar, we really had fun.
At night we saw a car race on the Vasteras airport.

vendredi 30 mai 2014

Yesterday we could more sleep because it's a plublic holiday.
At midday we eat a bbq and after that, we go to the museum.
We saw old car and old motor bike.

jeudi 29 mai 2014


Mathieu dans son garage après une
journée bien remplie.
                       Thomas assiste son tuteur Samuel dans les
                                                                                       réglages de sa Toyota Supra

                              Aude n'est pas en reste : elle fait également partie de " l'écurie" de Samuel .

mercredi 28 mai 2014

La tournée des garages, 

Episode1 avec Jorge, Quentin, Antoine et Nicolas

aujourd'hui des clichés de nos jeunes stagiaires sur leur lieu de travail

Jorge est très concentré sur ce que lui explique le professionnel suédois

Nicolas intervient méticuleusement sur une Volvo V40

Antoine et Quentin  heureux de préparer un camion Volvo flambant neuf

Today is May 27, after our workday we went  to visit a garage which repairs and sells  old American cars, the garage owner was very kind with us and allowed us to make photos. Swedish people are really crazy about old cars and especially American ones.

mardi 27 mai 2014

visite du parc de Skansen

Le parc de Skansen

Dimanche nous avons visité le parc de Skansen
On Sunday we visited the Skansen parc
We have seen different scenes of life from the 19th century and a lot of animals.


                                                                                      A WOLF

    A PIG

                               A BROWN BEAR


   A BOAR (a  " pigounnet ", marcassin)


                      A BAND OF LEMURS

Quentin Gillard